No matter how stressed I am from work, I am smiling when I read her bedtime story and sits on my knee in the bed taking her bottle.
A lot of the time she will go straight to sleep afterwards, after we go around the bedroom saying goodnight to everything -
- Goodnight Rebecca in the mirror
- Goodnight Big dog on top of the wardrobe
- Good night wardrobe door (includes a touch of it)
- Goodnight bedroom door (another touch)
- Goodnight wall (scrape nails along the paint - hollow wall so echos)
- Goodnight chair
- Hello cot
- Goodnight curtains (sometimes a touch, sometimes not)
- Goodnight Rebecca's canvas (always a touch)
- Goodnight chest of drawers (touch without touching anything on it - hard)
- Goodnight bed (drop onto it and giggle)
- repeat....repeat...repeat...
Yes, I, a bloke, sing. Poor child.
I sing two songs usually, and like the goodnight to the things in the room, repeat. The problem is I don't know the words to either song.
They are both from O Brother where art thou? and are - Go to sleep my little baby
and Down to the river to pray
In both cases I know the music and can hum and sing along fine, but my lyrics consist of -
As I go down to the river to pray,
thinking about that good old day,
Who can ask the reason why
Good Lord show me the way.
come on brothers lets go down,
down in the river to pray.
Go to sleep my little baby,
go to sleep my little baby,
you and me and the devil make 3
don't need no other lovin baby
come lay your head on the alabaster bed,
don't need no other lovin' baby.
So, I just checked the 'real' lyrics and I am right to have wondered about the alabaster bed! I'll print the lyrics off and start singing the right ones but I don't think it really mattered. Probably better having the repeated ones in ways - more monotonous and sleep inducing. At least that's my story and I'm sticking with it.
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