Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sitting up

Rebecca has been sitting up for ages. She will even stand up, when being held by her hands, for quite awhile. It is fantastic - if I hold two fingers out to her - one from each hand - she will grab them and pull herself up. If I hold them high she stands, or low she will sit. What a girl!

The new step this week is she is sitting up of her own accord - with no help at all. For the last few days when we go into her in the mornings (well, first day for me was today - see my post about being sick) she is sitting there in her sleep-bag playing with her bunny toys.

The down side is she falls over a bit more and hits her head off the railings. I know that even that is part of her learning experience but I'd be some bad sort of Dad if I didn't want to run in and cuddle her ever time she does it.

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